Canada is known as one of the most breathtaking countries in the world. With its snow-capped mountains, pristine water bodies, and some of the friendliest people you can ever meet, Canada is holiday destination that is bound to surprise every time. The Pas or Le Pas (as the Frech call it) is a town in the province of Manitoba and is frequently visited by tourists and locals alike. But what exactly is it about this small town that attracts thousands of visitors every month from pretty much every corner of the globe? Let's find out.

Clearwater Lake Provincial Park

We all know that national parks, wildlife reserves, and zoos are the main attractions in any city, but the Clearwater Lake Provincial Park is definitely a standout. Located in the northern area of Manitoba, this park is best known for its trout fishing. The Clearwater lake takes up about half of the total area of the park and its waters are just as its name describes. With clear visibility of around 11 meters deep, the lake is the perfect place to enjoy activities like snorkeling. Apart from water based activities, the park is open to tourists who wish to stay there overnight and provide beautiful accommodations on the South shore. For those visitors who want something a bit more exciting, Clearwater Lake Provincial Park is open to snowmobiling, hiking, boating, and windsurfing as well.

Sam Waller Museum

Museums are a great way to learn about the rich history of a city and The Pas's Sam Waller Museum provides just that. It was originally the community courthouse and was transformed in the year 1917. In the year 1987, the site was officially announced as a Provincial Heritage Site. The Museum's artifacts and natural curiosities were collected through the 36 years that Sam Waller was a teacher. Some of the most popular features include the very intricate designs of the fleas dressed in costumes (you need a magnifying glass to see this exhibit) and the two-headed calf that was born in the town. There are also plaster casts of what may or may not be fottprints belonging to a Bogfoot.

Lake Winnipegosis

Manitoba is a land filled with lakes much like the rest of the country and one of the biggest is Winnipegosis. In fact, the lake is the 2nd largest in the province and the 11th largest in the country. The sheer size of the water body allows visitors to partake in many water-based activities such as fishing, boating, windsurfing, and more. The banks of the lake play host to hundreds of hikers, campers, and even residents. About 10,000 years ago, lakes Winnipegosis, Manitoba, and Winnipeg were a part of the prehistoric lake Agassiz which, at that time, was the biggest in the world.

LaRose Avenue

LaRose Avenue is a street in The Pas, Manitoba that is known for its history and elegance. Today, the oldest street in the town is home to a number of posh resedential buildings that house a number of VIP's and other influential personalities. The street itself is named after the towns first doctor; Arthur LaRose. Commercial buildings and offices are also found on LaRose Avenue with more than a few law firms as well.